Environmental Geochemistry in the Tropics
Julio C Wasserman and 2 more
Not Available
Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in Europe
Henri Robert George Kenneth Hack and 3 more
Push-Pull Tests for Site Characterization
J D Istok
Sedimentary and Evolutionary Cycles
U Bayer and 1 more
The Zechstein Facies in Europe
Tadeusz M Peryt
Applied Turbulence Modelling in Marine Waters
Hans Burchard
Long Term Hillslope and Fluvial System Modelling
Andreas Lang and 2 more
Palaeoecology of Quaternary Drylands
Werner SmykatzKloss and 1 more
Reactive Flow Modeling of Hydrothermal Systems
Michael Kuhn
Michael Kühn
Perspectives in Modern Seismology
Friedemann Wenzel
Microdynamics Simulation
Paul Bons and 2 more
Geology and Geomorphology of Holocene Coastal Barriers of Brazil
Sérgio R Dillenburg and 1 more
High-Latitude Bioerosion
Max Wisshak
Speciation of Metals in Water, Sediment and Soil Systems
Lars Landner
Fossil Earthquakes
A Lin
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis in the Geosciences
Reik V Donner and 2 more
Earthquakes and Water
Chiyuen Wang and 1 more
Landform - Structure, Evolution, Process Control
International Symposium on Landform and 2 more
JanChristoph Otto and 1 more
Continental Evolution : The Geology of Morocco
André Michard
Continental Evolution: The Geology of Morocco
André Michard and 2 more
Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas for the Last 130 Kyr
M A Levitan and 1 more
Applied Geodesy
Stuart Turner
Geology and Mineral Resources of Nigeria
Nuhu George Obaje
The Dawn Angiosperms
Xin Wang
Fundamentals of Computational Geoscience
Chongbin Zhao and 2 more
M8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake
Huilin Xing and 1 more
Morphometrics for Nonmorphometricians
Ashraf M T Elewa
Nature and Significance of the Recent Carbonate Mound Record
Anneleen Foubert and 1 more
Cratons and Fold Belts of India
R S Sharma
Ram Sharma
Image Analysis in Earth Sciences
Rene Heilbronner
Evaporite Basins
Advances in Stromatolite Geobiology
Joachim Reitner and 2 more
Kalkowsky Symposium and 3 more
New Aspects of Mesozoic Biodiversity
Saswati Bandyopadhyay
Natural and Artificial Rockslide Dams
Stephen G Evans
Stephen G Evans and 3 more
Arc Volcano of Japan
Takeru Yanagi
Rock and Soil Rheology
Nicolae Cristescu and 1 more
The Atlas System of Morocco
Volker H Jacobshagen
Long and Short Term Variability of Climate
Heinz Wanner and 1 more
The Southern Central Andes
Heinrich Bahlburg and 2 more
GPS-Techniques Applied to Geodesy and Surveying
Erwin Groten and 1 more
The Landfill
Peter Baccini
Contaminated Sediments
Ulrich Förstner
The Interdisciplinary Role of Space Geodesy
Ivan I Mueller and 1 more
Evolution of the Mid-Cretaceous Triad
Karl B Föllmi
Basalt Intrusions in Evaporites
Bernhard J Knipping
Theory of Satellite Geodesy and Gravity Field Determination
Fernando Sansò and 1 more
Sediment Acoustics
Robert D Stoll
Detection of Subsurface Flow Phenomena
GeorgPaul Merkler and 4 more
The Tree Habit in Land Plants
Volker Mosbrugger
Developments in Four-Dimensional Geodesy
Fritz K Brunner and 1 more
Storm Depositional Systems
Thomas Aigner
Extinction Events in Earth History
Erle G Kauffman and 1 more
Bayesian Inference With Geodetic Applications
KarlRudolf Koch
Metallogeny of Tin
Bernd Lehmann
Humic Substances in the Aquatic and Terrestrial Environment
Bert Allard and 2 more
Accumulation of Organic Carbon in Marine Sediments
Ruediger Stein
Ecometric and Dynamic Modelling —
Lars Hakanson
Cellular Growth of Crystals
Dongkai Shangguan
Fluvial Hydraulics of Mountain Regions
Aronne Armanini and 1 more
Thermal Analysis in the Geosciences
Pragmatic Inversion of Geophysical Data
SvenErik Hjelt
Aspects of Fluvial Sedimentation in the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein of Europe
Detlef Mader
Regional Geology of Africa
Sunday W Petters
Computer Graphics in Geology
Reinhard Pflug and 1 more
Planning the Use of the Earth's Surface
Antonio Cendrero and 2 more
Isotopic Signatures and Sedimentary Records
Norbert Clauer and 1 more
Turbidity Currents
Deborah A Edwards
Waste Disposal and Evaporites
Albert G Herrmann and 1 more
Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Carbonate Platforms
Gianni Galli
Deposition, Diagenesis and Weathering of Organic Matter-Rich Sediments
Ralf Littke
Water Management in Desert Environments
Bruce R Roberts
Günter Buntebarth and 1 more
Satellite Altimetry in Geodesy and Oceanography
Reiner Rummel and 1 more
Dynamics and Geomorphology of Mountain Rivers
Peter Ergenzinger and 1 more
Basic Concepts in Digital Signal Processing for Seismologists
Frank Scherbaum
The Sedimentology of Chalk
Hans JP Zijlstra
Theory of Seismic Imaging
John A Scales
Post-Devonian Sediment Cover Over New York State
Golam Sarwar and 1 more
Wave Interactions As a Seismo-Acoustic Source
Alick C Kibblewhite and 1 more
Diagenetic Bedding
Werner Ricken
Continental-Crust Structures on the Continental Margin of Western North America
Henry V Lyatsky
Inverse Methods
Bo Holm Jacobsen and 2 more
Geodetic Boundary Value Problems in View of the One Centimeter Geoid
F Sansò and 1 more
Tidal Phenomena
Helmut Wilhelm and 2 more
Silicate Melts
Sharon L Webb
Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry of Sedimentary and Aquatic Systems
Peter Stille and 1 more
Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy
Hans Sünkel
Coastal Erosion
Roger Henri Charlier and 1 more
Boundary-Value Problems for Gravimetric Determination of a Precise Geoid
Zdenek Martinec
The Impacts of Climate Variability on Forests
Martin Beniston and 1 more
Carbonate Platform Slopes - A Record of Changing Conditions
Hildegard Westphal
Phanerozoic Phosphorite Depositional Systems
Jörg Trappe
Fractal and Chaotic Properties of Earthquakes
Christian Goltz
Process Modelling and Landform Evolution
Workshop on Process Modelling and Landform Evolution and 2 more
Global Bio-Events
Otto H Walliser
Elastic Waves in Random Media
S A Shapiro and 1 more
Submarine Massflow Sedimentation
Tore M Løseth
Deep Electromagnetic Exploration
K K Roy and 2 more
Principles of Practical Tectonic Analysis of Cratonic Regions
Henry V Lyatsky and 2 more
The Cordilleran Miogeosyncline in North America
Henry V Lyatsky and 1 more
Modelling Spatial Processes
Michael Tiefelsdorf
A Holocene Sedimentary Record from Lake Silvana, SE Brazil
Saulo RodriguesFilho and 1 more
Biolaminated Deposits
Gisela Gerdes and 1 more
Impacts and the Early Earth
Iain Gilmour and 2 more
Methods and Applications of Inversion
Per C Hansen and 2 more
Impact Stratigraphy
Alessandro Montanari and 1 more
On the Way to Component-Based 3D/4D Geoinformation Systems
Martin Breunig
The Geology and Mapping of Granite Batholiths
John Cobbing
Dynamics of Multiscale Earth Systems
Horst J Neugebauer and 1 more
Methods and Applications of Signal Processing in Seismic Network Operations
Tetsuo Takanami and 1 more
New Paradigms in Subsurface Prediction
Michael S Rosenbaum and 1 more